Spirit Camp is a 2009 American slasher horror film written, directed by and starring Kerry Beyer. It stars Julin, Brandon Smith (Jeepers Creepers), Megan Moser, Amy Morris (Hallow’s End), Jon Paul Burkhart (American Horror Story), Katy Rowe, Roxy Vandiver (Die Die Delta Pi; Haunted Trailer; The Pick-Axe Murders Part III: The Final Chapter), Phil Leggett.
When a street smart “goth girl” (Roxy Vandiver) is forced to attend cheerleader camp as part of her rehabilitation from a juvenile correction facility, she clashes with the “popular girls,” and finds herself embroiled in a bitter rivalry with the bitchy ringleader Rachel (Julin). But when members of the spirit squad start turning up dead, the girls must put aside their differences and struggle to survive the murderous rage of a crazed psycho-killer lurking nearby…
On the technical side of things, I feel like I have to acknowledge all of the hard work that filmmaker Kerry Beyer poured into this movie. This man acted in, directed, wrote, edited and did the cinematography for this film. There’s good use of lighting and composition, and some creative editing that make good use of several composite matte shots. Spirit Camp is a predictable but solid slasher film. It is well made and competently acted. Definitely worth a rental for genre fans.” B-Movie Geek
“This movie is listed as a horror/comedy and it is a perfect blend of both. The comedic parts are actually really funny and the horror side of the film is a perfect slasher flick. The ads for the film describe it as “Friday the 13th meets Bring It On” which is a pretty good comparison.” Hayes Hudson’s House of Horror
“Spirit Camp is a slasher movie in the best traditions of the genre. There are plenty of grisly murders, lots of girls losing their tops and even a few red herrings to keep you guessing. Beyer takes the film beyond that though by bringing in a lot of humor and actually developing the typically two dimensional characters into people that the viewer can care about.” Nic Brown, Rogue Cinema
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