The Haunt of Horror is a American horror magazine published by Curtis Magazines – an imprint of Marvel Comics – that lasted just five issues from May 1974 until January 1975. It was co-edited by Roy Thomas (issues 1 and 2), Marv Wolfman (2 to 4), Tony Isabella (3 and 4), David Anthony Kraft (5), and Don McGregor (5).
Having attempted to launch a digest-sized prose horror anthology in 1973 with no success (just two issues were published as a prose digest with some spot and full-page illustrations, edited by Gerry Conway), Marvel Comics revamped The Haunt of Horror into a black-and-white addition to their roster of horror comics. Marvel characters such as Satana the Devil’s Daughter and Gabriel the Devil-Hunter were featured alongside short story adaptations, reprints of old Atlas comics stories, prose stories and articles. As The Exorcist was still shocking the world, possession and exorcism themes were prevalent.
We are most grateful to Comic Vine for some information and images.