Bigfoot Wars is a 2014 American horror film produced and directed by Brian T. Jaynes (The Underneath, Humans vs Zombies, Biohazard). It stars C. Thomas Howell, Judd Nelson and Holt Boggs.
Director/Producer Jaynes states, “We looked at what is left in genre films. Zombies, vampires and supernatural thrillers movies are in no short supply these days. Having always been a fan of cryptozoology and considering the current popularity of the Sasquatch, we felt that it was not only time to do a Bigfoot movie but give the audience something new: an army of them.” “I wrote this with hopes that it would one day be made into a film, Origin has turned it into reality,” stated Eric S. Brown.
A small-town sheriff (Boggs) enlists the help of a “Dixieland Mafioso” family patriarch (Howell) sets out to hunt a creature that is widely believed to be a myth. They soon find themselves battling for survival as they discover they aren’t dealing with just one beast, but are at war with many.