Thralls (also known as Blood Angels is a 2004 (released March 2005) Canadian horror film directed by Ron Oliver (Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II), from a screenplay by Lisa Morton and Brett Thompson. It stars Lorenzo Lamas, Leah Cairns, Siri Baruc, Crystal Lowe, Lisa Marie Caruk, Sonya Saolmaa, and Moneca Delain.
A group of six women, known as thralls, are in fact half-vampires. They are joined by Ashley (Baruc), the sister of one of the thralls, and together they attempt to escape from the control of Mr. Jones (Lamas). Leslie opens a dance club in Iowa, while waiting the arrival of her sister Ashley, who grew up in an abusive household. Her father dies of a heart attack, causing Ashley to live with her sister.
Leslie saves Ashley from a group of muggers, and drains one of them of his blood. At the club, a transvetite threatens to expose the girls for what they really are. Ashley learns that Leslie and her friends are half-vampire. They stole the Necronomicon to defeat Jones, who plans on taking over the world by unleashing Belial, a demon. It is said the Belial tried to make vampires in his own image, but it resulted into making them look human. It is also said that the ritual will begin on the winter solstice, which is the longest night of the year…
” … a pretty funny movie if you approach it in the right mood, and the second half has its tongue so firmly entrenched in its cheek that you wonder why the movie wasn’t sold as a comedy instead of a B-grade take on “Charlie’s Angels”. The script has nary an idea what it actually is, although that doesn’t stop it from being hilarious, especially at the hour mark, when Lorenzo Lamas shows up to crack wise until the end credits roll.” Beyond Hollywood
“Yet another movie about vampires and the plot travels familiar ground. The bulk of the film takes place at an all night rave during summer solstice and for the bulk of this time very little happens in the way of gore or action. The girl’s running the bar kind of look like they are working at the Coyote Ugly and not at a rave. The look of the film resembles that of the something one would expect to see while watching music videos on MTV.” 10K Bullets
“Do you want to know the worst part? It tries to be “quippy.” The dialog sounds like it’s written by someone who suffered massive head trauma, removed 85% of his brain, and then woke up deciding he could write like Joss Whedon. The puns, the quips, the “hysterical” one-liners fly like feces and ejaculate from an angry pack of monkeys. I’m undecided as to who the most hateful offender is—Lorenzo Lamas himself, or a “comic relief” nerdy Asian guy who says “yo” a lot and calls himself “Dough Boy” to sound like he’s street. I would happily murder either one of them, vampire or not.” Meadhall of the Comitatus