Death Do Us Part is a 2014 American horror film directed by Nicholas Humphries from a screenplay by Ryan Copple, Peter Benson and Julia Benson. It stars Julia Benson, Peter Benson, Emilie Ullerup, Christine Chatelain, Kyle Cassie, Benjamin Ayres, Dave Collette, Aaron Douglas, Viv Leacock.
The film is due for release by Anchor Bay Entertainment on April 14, 2014
Kennedy Jamieson (Julia Benson) has waited her whole life for her perfect wedding. Engaged to the charming Ryan Harris (Peter Benson), it looks like her dream is about to come true. Except for one thing – the young couple hasn’t had a chance to celebrate their respective bachelor/bachelorette parties. Ryan’s best man Chet (Kyle Cassie) books a remote cabin in the woods to throw them a “Jack and Jill” party that they’ll never forget. It doesn’t take long before things take a horrifying turn as members of the group are brutally picked off one by one.
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