In Ghana, cinema was always popular and most large towns had splendid large cinemas that were left over from the days of British colonialism. Unfortunately, as spare parts for the cinemas’ 35mm projectors began to become harder to source, the theatres began to close down. By the mid-1980s films on VHS had become the main source of movie entertainment. Small operators took films out to be shown in the villages and small towns, often using gas-powered generators if there was no electricity supply. Local artists were hired to hand paint posters for these mobile video showings, using flour sacks as a cheap and easily obtainable alternative to canvas. The number of mobile video ‘cinemas’ declined in the mid-nineties due to the greater availability of television and video; as a result the painted film posters were substituted for less interesting/artistic posters produced on photocopied paper. The origin of the horror movies below is an international mix but some are from nearby Nigeria and may well be Nigerian artwork rather than Ghanaian.
We are grateful to a vast number of online sources – too many to mention – but Ephemera Assemblyman in particular