Call Girl of Cthulhu is a forthcoming 2014 American comedy horror film directed by Chris LaMartina from a screenplay by himself and Jimmy George. The film is “inspired” by the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. It stars David Phillip Carollo, Melissa O’Brien, Nicolette le Faye, Dave Gamble, Helenmary Ball, Sabrina Taylor-Smith, Alex Mendez, Craig Peter Coletta. Horror genre veteran George Stover (The Alien Factot, Nightbeast, Vampire Sisters) makes a cameo appearance.
The filmmakers raised $27,750 on crowd funding website Kickstarter - click the link to watch video
It is the sixth feature film from Baltimore based production company, Midnight Crew Studios, whose previous movies include Witch’s Brew and President’s Day.
When a virginal artist falls in love with a call girl, she turns out to be the chosen bride of the alien god Cthulhu. To save her, he must stop an ancient cult from summoning their god and destroying mankind…
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