Starry Eyes is a 2014 American horror film written and directed by Kevin Kolsch, Dennis Widmyer. It stars Alexandra Essoe, Amanda Fuller (Red, White & Blue), Noah Segan, Fabianne Therese (John Dies at the End), Shane Coffey, Natalie Castillo, Pat Healy (The Innkeepers), Nick Simmons, Maria Olsen, Marc Senter, Louis Dezseran.
A hopeful young starlet uncovers the ominous origins of the Hollywood elite and enters into a deadly agreement in exchange for fame and fortune…
“Cementing Essoe’s performance is the masterful direction and writing of Wdmyer and Kolsch. There’s a subtleness to the film, even when it dips into full on gore late in the third act, that just puts it a cut above it’s modern horror contemporaries. The pair crafted a well thought out tale and were able to present it in a completely organic and masterful way.” The HD Room
“Starry Eyes is elevated immeasurably by its leading lady, but the darkly insightful screenplay also “nails” the Hollywood aspirant archetype perfectly, the flick never stays in one place for too long, and it closes with a third act that works as psychological horror, Grand Guignol, and a nightmarish tragedy all at the same time. This might not be the first time you’ve heard the “deal with the devil” set-up, but hey; Starry Eyes deftly illustrates the ways in which Hollywood can turn a sweet, fractured girl into a egomaniacal monster.” Scott Weinberg, FEARnet
“An undeniably ambitious film, Starry Eyes isn’t always fluid in navigating the many elements of its Hollywood horror show. There’s quite a lot to take in, as the filmmakers are plainly attempting to pack the film with all the monstrousness they and their team have likely experienced in the trenches. The result is partly ironic, as the character suffering so much to be a star doesn’t feel as if she fully gets the spotlight, despite a gross, gripping journey and a superb turn from Essoe.” Samuel Zimmerman, Fangoria
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