13 Sins, previously known as Angry Little God and 13: Game of Death, is a 2014 American horror remake of the 2006 Thai horror comedy/psychological thriller film 13 Beloved. The film is co-written and directed by Daniel Stamm (The Last Exorcism) and stars Ron Perlman (Alien: Resurrection, Rats), Mark Webber, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Christopher Berry, Stephanie Honoré, Rutina Wesley, Devon Graye, Brittney Alger, Tom Bower, Beau Brasseaux.
The film is released on VOD on March 14, 2014 with a theatrical release date of April 18, 2014.
A bright but meek salesman (Webber), drowning in debt as he’s about to get married, receives a mysterious phone call informing him that he’s on a hidden camera game show where he must execute 13 tasks to receive a multi-million dollar cash prize…