The Cosmic Man is a 1959 science fiction horror film directed by Herbert S. Greene from a screenplay by Arthur C. Pierce (Terror in the Midnight Sun, The Astral Factor). It stars John Carradine, Bruce Bennett, Angela Greene, Paul Langton, Scotty Morrow, Lyn Osborn, Walter Maslow, Herbert Lytton. Herbert S. Greene was assistant director on Invisible Invaders, The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (both 1959) and Strait-Jacket (1963).
“A virtual re-write ofThe Day The Earth Stood Still, with the great John Carradine as the alien … No match for Earth Stood Still, of course, but how many movies are? Not-So-Memorable Dialog: “Here… Colonel, have a mint.” The man-hungry blonde is a hoot. Includes some nifty electronic sound effects.” Willard’s Wormholes
“Director Herbert Greene and scripter Arthur C. Pierce create almost zero suspense in their scenario, attempting at the eleventh hour to duplicate the Christ-motif of Day by having the Cosmic Man sacrifice his life for the young boy but then “rise again” — or at least, it’s implied that he may live again after his dead body gets teleported away.” Naturalistic! Uncanny! Marvelous!
“… engaging low-budget oddity … The film’s optimistic ending has a certain naive power.” The Aurum Film Encyclopedia: Science Fiction
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