Skinless is a 2014 micro $2000 budget American horror film co-written and directed by Dustin Mills (The Puppet Monster Massacre, Bath Salt Zombies, Night of the Tentacles). It stars co-writer Brandon Salkil, Erin R. Ryan (Babysitter Massacre), Allison Egan and Dave Parker.
Skinless will receive an initial theatrical premiere in Cleveland at midnight in the US by Phantom Pain Films on March 8 with other venues to follow.
Official synopsis:
“Brilliant oncologist Peter Peel discovers a possible cure for skin cancer in the belly of an exotic parasite. When he tests the cure on himself, his world is shattered and a monster is born. Skinless is a sad tale of madness, murder, monsters, and love.”
Night of the Tentacles trailer:
Thanks to Bloody Disgusting for some of the info above.