Gemini is a 2014 Filipino horror film from Blackswan Pictures co-produced and directed by Ato Bautista from a screenplay by Shugo Praico. It stars twins Sheena McBride, Brigitte McBride, plus Lance Raymuno, Alvin Anson, Sarah Gaugler and Mon Confiado. The film is currently in post production but he has posted an extended promo online – click on the HD link and watch it on
Julia, a psychiatric patient is tormented by her demons. Stricken by guilt and fear, she seeks the help of Manuel, a mysterious police detective, to save her from Judith, her estranged evil twin sister who wants her dead. As Julia and Manuel track Judith down and solve the crime that the twins committed years back, the film spirals down to a mind boggling ride as the truth of Julia’s nightmarish dark past unravels.
Source: Twitch