Blood Clots is a 2018 American horror anthology feature film curated by Freedom Cinema, consisting of seven shorts from New York distributor Hewes Pictures.
The movie features stories directed by Evan Hughes, Sid Zanforlin, Luke Guidici, Carl Timms, Patrick Longstreth, Timothy J. Richardson, Martyn Pick and Nick Spooner.
Featuring a collection of horror stories involving cannibals, zombies “and other funny creatures”, it includes an awkward dinner with an ancient creature in ‘The Call of Charlie’ and a rightfully justified fear of basements in ‘Time to Eat.’
The stories feature Brooke Smith (Bates Motel; The Silence of the Lambs), Harry Sinclair (Lord of the Rings), Madalina Bellariu Ion and Kristin Slaysman.
Blood Clots premieres on Vimeo and Amazon on August 3, 2018.