Terror 5 is a 2016 Argentinian horror anthology film directed by Sebastian Rotstein and Federico Rotstein from a screenplay by the latter and Nicolas Gueilburt. The movie stars Airas Alban, Augusto Alvarez, Nai Awada, Juan Barberini, Magdalena Capobianco and Cecilia Cartasegna.
Five stories involve: a corrupt City Governor, two lovers filmed in their hotel room, two friends whose late night trick is turned against them, a snuff film that might be real and a date gone-very-wrong…
Artsploitation Films will release Terror 5 on DVD and VOD in North America on December 4th, 2018.
“Supposedly based on five “true” or semi-true urban legends, Terror 5 tries a technique of intertwining its tales by playing four out of five concurrently, even though they don’t take place at the same time. It’s an almost clever conceit for three of the pieces.” Ian Sedensky, Culture Crypt
Thanks to 28 Days Later Analysis