From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series is an upcoming American horror/crime television series created by Robert Rodriguez. It forms part of the saga of film, direct-to-video, comic and cult following of From Dusk till Dawn, expanding on the chronicles of the Gecko Brothers: Seth and Richie, The Fuller family, and Santanico Pandemonium. The series will premiere on March 11, 2014.
The show will explore and expand on the characters and story from the film, providing a wider scope and richer Aztec mythology. It is planned to be broadcast by Rodriguez’s newly launched channel El Rey. The series features:
Wilmer Valderrama as enigmatic crime lord Carlos,
D.J. Cotrona as Seth Gecko
Zane Holtz as Richie Gecko
Jesse Garcia plays Texas Ranger Freddie Gonzalez,
Don Johnson in a recurring role as Sheriff Earl McGraw;
Robert Patrick (Terminator 2: Judgment Day, The X-Files) as Jacob Fuller
Madison Davenport as Kate Fuller
Brandon Soo Hoo as Scott Fuller
Eiza Gonzalez as Santanico Pandemonium
Adrianne Palicki portrays Vanessa Styles, a woman from Seth Gecko’s past
Lane Garrison plays Pete, the clerk at Benny’s World of Liquor which the Gecko brothers take over in the pilot
Jake Busey portrays Professor Aiden Tanner, an eccentric intellectual obsessed with the Mesoamerican mythology behind the vampires…