Beneath is a 2013 American horror film directed by Larry Fessenden. The film had its world premiere at the Stanley Film Festival on May 3, 2013 and later aired on the Chiller channel. Beneath stars Daniel Zovatto, Bonnie Dennison, and Chris Conroy as teenagers that must fight for their lives against man-eating fish.
Six high school seniors celebrating with day’s excursion find themselves on rowboat attacked by man-eating fish and must decide who must be sacrificed as they fight their way back to shore…
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“Beneath has its tone meter calibrated a little too far into serious territory when it would have benefited from a slier wink of black comedy. The film is only as good as it needs to be for a rubber water monster movie on Chiller TV, when clearly the actors and the production are better than the script that they have to work with.” Culture Crypt
“Beneath is just a mess of a film, and whether or not you find it entertaining is dependent entirely on your ability to find humor in the failings of others. Am I being too harsh? Maybe. But the primary antagonist is a giant wall-eyed tigerfish so take from that what you will.” Dread Central