The Plan is a 2017 Italian found footage supernatural horror film directed by Paolo Dematteis from a screenplay by Giulio Ortolani. The P.I.T. production was produced by Christian Valinotti and Debora Bedino; it stars Biancamaria Botta, Giulio Maria Cavallini and Michela Hickox.
Five former college friends arrange to have a reunion in a castle in Piemonte, Italy.
A local legend says the queen of the castle, Johanna of Anjou, was blamed for a terrible drought and famine. Before she was hung by the rebellious villagers, she placed a curse in her journal then killed herself.
One night when they are drunk, the group enters the forbidden room where Queen Joanna died. There, they find her journal. The spirit of Queen Joanna returns, and her thirst for revenge is horrific…
Cast and characters:
- Biancamaria Botta … Gioia
- Giulio Maria Cavallini … Bart
- Michela Hickox … Eveline
- Riccardo Livermore … Vanja
- Jennifer Mischiati … Mandy
- Marcello Spinetta … John
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