Night Howl is a 2017 American horror film written and directed by Michael Taylor Pritt (Are We the Waiting) who also stars. The Fun Time Productions movie also stars Alana Mullins, Rob Pemberton and Jeremy Wheeler.
Kaci Evans, a socially awkward photojournalist who can’t seem to come to grips with the death of his mother. As a child, Kaci was psychologically traumatised after seeing his mother monstrously mauled by a large canine.
Now that Kaci is an adult, he suffers constant night terrors and flashbacks to the time his mother was murdered. After numerous visits with his psychiatrist, Dr. Ezay, Kaci starts to question whether his nightmares are repressed memories, or are they something far more sinister?
Writer/director Michael Taylor Pritt told “This is not another predictable or typical werewolf film. I figured out a way, hopefully, to do a whole new take on werewolves that has never been done before. The twist at the end of this [werewolf] movie has never been done before. I promise you that!”
Night Howl is currently available to buy via Amazon Prime Instant Video
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