Happy Death Day 2 is a 2019 comedy horror slasher film directed by Christopher Landon. It is obviously the sequel to Happy Death Day (2017), which was a phenomenal success, taking $122,637,878 at the box office worldwide, even before residual home viewing sales.
Jessica Rothe returns as heroine Tree, along with Israel Broussard as her boyfriend Carter. Suraj Sharma is joining the new film as Samar Ghosh, “a science enthusiast and geek who enjoys coding in his spare time. whilst Sarah Yarkin (Eat, Brains, Love; American Horror Story) as Dre Morgan, “a science geek and tom-boy with a sleepy feline gaze.”
Actress Jessica Rothe has described the sequel as “a Back to the Future type of genre film where the sequel joins us right from where we left off, it explains a lot of things in the first one that didn’t get explained, and it elevates everything. I was really pleased to know that we weren’t just gonna be pushing all the buttons that people loved the first time, over and over again, ’cause I think that gets old. I’m really excited to see if it comes to fruition and, if it does, what the final product looks like. I hope we get to do it! I had a ball!”