Stabbed in the Face is a 2004 American slasher horror film directed by Jason Matherne (Silk Scream; Grimewave; Goregasm) from a screenplay by Jared Scallions. Eric Fox, Dana Kieferle and Steve Waltz.
“I don’t recommend you watch this unless you’re a fan of stupid, clichéd, poorly-acted, bad lit, indie slasher that’s barely worth watching even though it has nudity and gore. It feels like it’s all over the place with the characters and by the end of it I actually couldn’t remember or care who was who.” Film Bizarro
“I was kinda surprised how mean-spirited some of the violence is in this, there’s a kill that is so brutal that I had to pick up my jaw from the floor (I loved it). There’s plenty of T&A (including female full frontal nudity from Helen Whiskey) and sex.” Independent Flicks
“This one seems to purposely celebrate in cliches but doesn’t make them funny and is badly lit and very badly edited to boot […] The climax features a confusing mess of motives, there is plenty of nudity, and the killings feature over-the-top gore but are very short.” The Worldwide Celluloid Massacre
Wild Eye Raw issued the film on DVD in the USA on December 13, 2016.