The Demonic Doll is a 2018 British supernatural horror film written and directed by Richard Mansfield (Blood on Satan’s Paw; The Demonic Tapes; Video Killer; The Mothman Curse; et al) . The Mansfield Dark Productions movie stars Harold Fox, Jennie Fox and Matthew Hunt.
Rose finds a creepy doll in her basement along with a series of mysterious tapes. As she listens to the recordings she starts to notice strange happenings in the house and the doll seems to move around on its own.
Unfortunately, Rose begins to realise she is not alone and the doll is haunted by a terrifying demon that wants her soul…
” …looks to BBC TV’s Ghostwatch for its suburban thrills – the director has even stolen that programme’s subversive behind the curtains stunt – and as the camera moves stealthily around the house, the viewer is constantly on the lookout for something supernatural at the edge of the frame, catching little details like upturned crosses and mysterious messages.” David Dent, Dark Eyes of London
“Although it dilutes its impact by showing too much too soon and overdoing the foreboding music score, this modest, largely two-handed, one-location film mostly avoids the cheap scares beloved of its American contemporaries and doesn’t overplay the creepy-doll shtick.” Steven West, Horrorscreams Videovault
Filming locations:
Haringey, North London, UK
The film’s working title was The Demonic Tapes 2