Hex is a 2017 British folk horror drama film written and directed by George Popov and Jonathan Russell. It stars Tony Broadbent, Suzie Frances Garton and Daniel Oldroyd.
During the English Civil War, two opposing soldiers find themselves trapped in a forest controlled by a witch…
” …Popov and Russell are able to kit out their few characters in authentic-seeming period gear and make good use of the wilderness. Performances are fine, and the gradual stress on eeriness is effective – there are comparatively few outright scare scenes, and some depend on odd details…” The Kim Newman Web Site
“The build of tension is a little too slow at first, but by the final scenes you won’t be able to look away as the men finally uncover something of the truth. I loved the historical setting, but despite the distance of centuries there’s a great deal here that anyone can relate to, thanks to a solid script and convincing acting.” The Movie Critic Next Door
“There is more happening here than you realize, and it’s to the filmmakers’ credit that you only recognize the film’s purpose when they are ready for you to do so. The result is a satisfying tale with more power than just magic.” Hope Madden, Madd Wolf
“The silent imagery was purposeful, and it doesn’t fill the story with traditional horror elements, but still crafts some eerie scenes that capture the dread of the plots subject-matter with thought provoking result. This is a movie any film-maker should watch if they feel their current project is hindered by a budget.” The Silverscreen Analysis
“Despite some slowness in the film at places and dark nighttime scenes overall it is well done […] But this additionally has rich dialogue, taut direction, beautiful cinematography and some of the best audio capture I’ve heard that captures every distinct sound, as well what lies beneath the story is thought provoking.” Toxic Fletch