Ishq Ke Rang “Love Colours” is a 2018 Indian Bollywood supernatural horror film directed by Pradeep R. Sharma and produced by Salamat Khan and Sameer Hussain. The Rockstar Films production stars Humayoon Shams Khan, Danish Bhatt and Raj Sandhu.
The spirits of a deceased couple keep on haunting a bungalow and punish those who come to stay over there and are cheaters or liars. Finally, a Tantrik priest is assigned to exorcise the spirits so that they can rest peace…
Main cast:
- Humayoon Shams Khan
- Danish Bhatt
- Raj Sandhu
- Faizan Khan
- Gufran Khan
- Sanvi Dhiman
- Tanisha Gupta
- Ritu Arora
- Naaz Hamid
- Benazeer Khan
- Sameer Khan
- Karishma Kaul