The Slashening is a 2015 American comedy horror slasher film written and directed by Brandon Bassham (Fear Town U.S.A.) from a storyline co-written with Reynard Alli. It stars Anna Callegari, Sam Reece and Elyse Brandau.
“Best friends Lucy, Eva, Ashley, Beth and Margot have a sleepover like any other – until murder joins the party.
A tale of friendship, betrayal, madness, and the search for some decent dick…”
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” …all of the ingredients of The Slashening are great, but somehow they just don’t all mix together cohesively and most of this is due to the beating to death of a joke. Fear Town USA touched on a myriad of topics, skewered them and then moved on to the next target and that’s what kept it moving along at an even, comedic pace.” Lisa Fremont, Haddonfield Horror
“The best thing about The Slashening for me was the way it not only poked fun at the slasher genre (three words: pizza delivery guy), but at popular culture in general, as well as certain issues in society (like friendzoning and how it becomes a social feminist issue, and the use of the n-word).” Horror Honeys
“The girls in The Slashening are imperfect, and behave just as silly and selfishly as their male counterparts; a COD gamer sweetly plays to patch up his fallen online comrades; and a final spin on the ‘sluts must die’ ideologies of certain horrors is given the sort of murderous rejoinder we’ve always hoped it would. The film’s creativity and energy is also evident in the soundtrack, which is simply perfect.” Benjamin Poole, The Movie Waffler
“There’s a cool split screen bit, some great editing, a funny fight filmed creatively, and an epic running joke involving pizza dudes with a great pizza dude wasteland payoff. The acting here is generally great by everyone […] There’s some great dialog here, and some funny, creative crudities.” Rare Horror
” …is very aware of the genre it’s making fun of, its mainstays and shortcomings as well as virtues … and thus throws the audience from one cliché into the next, but at the same time it manages to tell an engaging enough story that this doesn’t become just a mindless chuckle-fest but also features suspense, jump scares, and likeable characters.” Mike Haberflener, Search My Trash
IMDb | Image credits: Horror Honeys