Bloodsuckers from Outer Space is a 1984 American comedy science fiction horror film written and directed by Glen Coburn (Tabloid!). It stars Thom Meyers, Dennis Letts, Laura Ellis, and Robert Bradeen.
On May 29, 2018, Vinegar Syndrome is releasing the movie on Blu-ray with the following features:
- Newly scanned and restored in 2k from 16mm negative elements
- Commentary Track with writer/director Glen Coburn, actor Thom Meyers, and cinematographer Chad D. Smith
- 34 Years Later: A 50 minute ‘making-of’ documentary
- Back To Bloodsucker Town: 15-minute featurette
- Bloody Arm Rip 101: A how-to guide on recreating the special effect from the film!
- Stills Gallery: Featuring over 100 images from Glen’s personal collection on the making of the film
- Reversible cover artwork
- English SDH subtitles
Texas farmers turn into zombies when they become infected by an energy field from outer space. The residents must escape before an overeager general can convince the President to drop a nuclear bomb on the rural town…
“Bloodsuckers from Outer Space could be one of the kings of low budget B-Movies […] has loads of odd but extremely funny lines of dialogue. It’s the kind of stuff that you can’t believe someone actually wrote down and then expected an actor to memorize.” Kryten Syxx, Dread Central
” …a lot like the following year’s Return of the Living Dead, except that it isn’t funny or exciting.” Peter Dendle, The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia, 2001
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” …the acting and make-up effects are so dreadful, and the writing so amateurish, that there are several scenes and characters that will draw out a smile. At least everyone present was trying and it shows. The production as a whole gets an A+ for effort but a C- for presentation.” Jason McElreath, DVD Drive-In
“Bloodsuckers from Outer Space isn’t going to win any awards, but it’s fun and contains sporadic moments of (mostly) intentional greatness. There are far worse ways to kill a six-pack and an hour and 19 minutes. At the very least the new wave theme song is pretty choice and there are remarkably few fart jokes…” Travis Box, Dallas Observer
- Thom Meyes as Jeff Rhodes
- Dennis Letts as General Sanders
- Laura Ellis as Julie
- Robert Bradeen as Uncle Joe
- Glen Coburn as Ralph Rhodes
- Kris Nicolau as Jeri Jett
- Pat Paulsen as the President
Filming locations:
Bloodsuckers from Outer Space premiered at Joe Bob Briggs’ Drive-In Movie Festival in October 1984. Actor Pat Paulsen attended the premiere and later said that he was embarrassed by the quality of the movie.
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Karl-Lorimar Home Video released the film on home video in 1986 and Media Blasters released it on DVD on December 30, 2008. A 30th Anniversary DVD was released by Whacked Movies on November 11, 2016.
Wikipedia | IMDb | Image credits: Dread Central