‘Even immortals have their beginnings.’
Dracul is a 2018 novel by Dacre Stoker – Bram Stoker’s great grandnephew – and J.D. Barker (Forsaken; The Fourth Monkey). The novel will be available in hardcover, paperback, and e-book on October 2, 2018, via American publisher G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Set in 1868, the new novel is a prequel to the original Dracula novel by Bram Stoker. In 2009, Dacre Stoker co-authored Dracula: The Un-Dead, with Ian Holt.
Paramount Pictures has already optioned a film adaptation of Dracul with Andy Muschietti (IT and IT: Part 2; Mama) apparently interested in directing.
Press release:
The prequel to Dracula, penned by a Stoker descendant and a bestselling writer, Dracul is a supernatural historical thriller in which a young Bram Stoker must confront an indescribable evil.
It is 1868, and a 22-year-old Bram Stoker has locked himself inside a desolate tower to face off against a vile and ungodly beast, armed with mirrors and crucifixes and holy water and a gun, kept company by a bottle of plum brandy, praying to survive a single night, the longest of his life. Desperate to leave a record of what he has witnessed, Bram scribbles out the events that led him here – a childhood illness, a haunting nanny, stories once thought to be fables now proven true.
A riveting novel of Gothic suspense, Dracul reveals not only Dracula’s true origin, but Bram Stoker’s – and the tale of the enigmatic woman who connects them.”
Source: Broke Horror Fan
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