Alien from the Deep is a 1989 Italian science fiction horror film directed by Antonio Margheriti [as Anthony M. Dawson] (Cannibal Apocalypse; Seven Deaths in the Cat’s Eye; Castle of Blood; et al) from a screenplay by Tito Carpi (Tentacles; Last Cannibal World; Seven Murders for Scotland Yard) and produced by Franco Gaudenzi. It stars Daniel Bosch, Marina Giulia Cavalli, Luciano Pigozzi, Robert Marius, and Charles Napier.
Two members of Greenpeace discover that a local factory sheds radioactive waste into an active volcano, which has created a terrifying creature that wreaks havoc in the area…
“Outside of Charles Napier’s (Silence of the Lambs) performance in the role of a megalomaniac colonel, who has been hired to protect E-Chem Corporation secrets, the rest of the cast are stale and forgettable in their respective roles. Ultimately, Alien from the Deep is bottom of the barrel Euro-Cult schlock…” Michael Den Boer, 10K Bullets
“It sucks that the creature doesn’t make an appearance for nearly an hour into the film but there’s enough gunplay, explosions and jungle chases to keep the momentum moving forward […] a mighty entertaining film.” Ken Kastenhuber, McBastard’s Mausoleum
” The alien (or whatever it is) really steals the show, though, especially when it’s finally shown in all its oversized, awkward glory for the big climax complete with more flashing lights, smoke, and explosions than a Duran Duran video.” Nathaniel Thompson, Mondo Digital
“What is perhaps surprising is just how dated it is. The script uses old hat explanations, some of which have not been in use for a good thirty years. The alien is a standard 1980s ripoff of H.R. Giger but this sits alongside atomic energy threat themes from the 1950s and 1970s ecological concerns.” Richard Scheib, Moria
“The movie isn’t particularly gory but it does have some awesome scenes where snakes somehow take down a small army of guys with M-16s and frequent use of the word ‘balls’ scattered throughout…” Ian Jane, Rock! Pop! Shock!
“No, Alien from the Deep didn’t win any Oscars, but to hell with those – it’s a helluva entertaining monster movie, packed with action, stunts, some gore, explosions and of course an alien-monster-thingie directly from the volcano of our imagination.” Fred Anderson, Schmollywood Babylon
It’s not a problem that it’s a bad film. That, I feel, was a given […] Admittedly, the final 20 minutes when the laughably crappy monster rears its claw and a few minor explosions blow the shit out of toy cars etc, is great.” Sex Gore Mutants
Choice dialogue:
“Don’t touch me, you snake squeezer! You’re all alike! Men like you think you’re real men just because you got a pair of balls!”
“I think it’s some kind of claw, Colonel!”
“Fear is contagious! You gotta nip it in the butt!”
“This isn’t f*ckin’ Vietnam, ok! But I said I’d stop the Greenpeace bastards and I will!”
Main cast and characters:
Daniel Bosch … Bob
Marina Giulia Cavalli … Jane [as Julia Mc. Kay]
Luciano Pigozzi … Doctor Geoffrey [as Alan Collins]
Robert Marius … Lee
Charles Napier … Colonel Kovacks
Filming locations:
- Latina, Lazio, Italy
- Pagsanjan, Laguna, Philippines