Vampegeddon is a 2009 American vampire horror film directed by Jeffrey Alan Miller from a screenplay by David C. Hayes (Roller Boogie Massacre; Shower of Blood; Blood Orgy of the Damned; et al); it stars Jacqueline Smith, Katherine Von Forelle, and Josh Bingenheimer.
Chased out of the old world, the dark vampire Lord Giovanni flees to the American southwest where he sets up a new brood. Longshank, Britain’s premier vampire slayer follows him here, and in a final confrontation in the Arizona desert, both are killed.
A hundred years later, Melissa, a gorgeous goth lesbian college student, is obsessed with becoming a vampire and escaping her terrible home life.
Along with her four friends, Ted, Liz, Mona, and Kent, she regularly conducts ceremonies where she tries to commune with dark forces. When she buys an old, evil book at a creepy garage sale she finally has the key she has been searching for.
Following her dreams of Giovanni and a map from the book, the friends hike out to “Massacre Lane” and finally summon up some real vampires…
“They tell unfunny jokes (when the vampires don’t show up in the desert, Mel says “this place sucks”) and speak in dubbed speech that sounds like they took turns reciting dialogue into a computer mic, reading it off the page whilst half asleep. There’s also the horrible soundtrack, whether some nu-metal whatever or songs that sound like Lit or Len.” Thomas Duke, Cinema Gonzo
” …the vampires do nothing but hiss continually apart from speaking in some awful Belgianesque accent. The kids are all late 20′s and look older, and for some reason, the women keep getting their oversized jubblies out and believe me this is not a pretty sight.” Andy Deen, UK Horror Scene
The non-special effects are limited to monster make-up that makes the vampires look like Uncle Fester. It comes across as a student film and should’ve never been released to video — yes, the filmmaking is that bad. The only positives are one or two curvy girls and a great underground metal soundtrack by Glendale, Arizona’s Corvus…” Wuchak
Cast and characters:
- Jacqueline Smith … Liz
- Katherine Von Forelle … Melissa
- Josh Bingenheimer … Ted – Predatory Instinct; The Prometheus Project; The Death Factory Bloodletting
- Jimmy Flowers … Kent
- Sugar Cox … Mona
- Shane Dean … Giovanni
- Patrick Vaillancourt … Richard Longshank
- David C. Hayes … Mr. Rizzowski
- Rick Dyer … Igor
- Danny Marianino … Hooter
- Michael C. Alvarez … Scumbag
- Liana Hubbard … Vampire Slut 1
- Jenna Contreras … Vampire Slut 2
- Chynna Lyons … Vampire Slut 3
- Crystal Sommer … Vampire Slut 4
Filming locations:
Arizona, USA