‘Terror has arrived’
Caught is a 2017 British science fiction horror film directed by Jamie Patterson from a screenplay by Dave Allsop and Alex Francis. The film was produced by Christina O’Shea-Daly, Jeremy Davis and Alex Francis. It stars Mickey Sumner, April Pearson, Cian Barry (Nina Forever), Ruben Crow, and David Mounfield.
In East Sussex, England, aliens were reportedly sighted in 1967: While on an afternoon walk with their children, two small town reporters notice the military camped on a hilltop. Debating the possible significance of this activity, they answer their door when two unusual strangers come knocking and find themselves held hostage in their own home.
Director Jamie Patterson has said: “This is a different kind of horror film. Inspired by films of the 70’s, I wanted a gritty, raw feel to the story because there’s nothing glossy about horror. This is my idea of alien art house.”
Caught opens in US theaters, On Demand and Digital HD on March 30, 2018.
“Caught is a decent entry into the home invasion genre, offering up a slight twist to the invaders that takes on a more literal sense as the film progresses. Other than that it does little to separate it from the pack, offering up adequate menace and not enough thrills.” Andrew Mack, Screen Anarchy