Attack of the Bat Monsters is a 1999 American comedy film written, edited, co-produced and directed by Kelly Greene. It stars Michael Dalmon, Maurice Ripke and Fred Ballard.
In the 1959, a group of filmmakers are trying to complete a low budget creature feature in just three days before a bullying crew from a major studio comes along and take over their movie location…
“Comedy’s hard, but it’s even harder to be this funny while maintaining a fundamental respect for the film’s characters, and it is that humanity that turns out to be Greene’s greatest trump card.” Scott Foundas, Variety
“It has been compared to movies like Larry Blamire’s The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001), but Greene’s film […] has more in common with Wim Wenders’s The State of Things (1982) and especially Joe Dante and Allan Arkush’s Hollywood Boulevard (1976). It’s a cult movie in the best sense: it’s well made with strong acting and a witty script full of references and in jokes to films past.” Daniel Stillings, UK Horror Scene
“The films’ characters and Greene’s writing brilliantly portrayed the frenzied writer, director and actors of those films and the quick turnaround time and measly budgets allotted to them. The dialogue between characters is witty and has a rhythm to the patter that is edgy.” Lisa Franklin
Filming locations:
Austin, Texas, USA