Don’t Go to the Reunion is a 2013 American horror film and an 80’s slasher film homage directed by Steve Goltz and written by Kevin Sommerfield. The Slasher Studios production stars Stephanie Leigh Rose, Matty Dorschner, and Spencer Harlan.
Scott Rantzen (Brady Simenson) is a horror movie loving misfit who is teased by the popular students in school. When a date with the very popular and very beautiful Erica Carpenter (Stephanie Leigh Rose) backfires, he feels as though his life is ruined.
Ten years later, the gang reunite for their class reunion. Little do they know that someone is waiting for them and ready to see that they pay for what they did…
“Though the finale does become a bit too on the nose for what is a subtle and well paced slasher for the first half, Don’t Go to the Reunion has its heart firmly placed in the eighties, with the systematic deaths of characters, vicious murders mimicking slasher films, and the big reveal that’s just so damn effective and clever.” Felix Vasquez, Cinema Crazed
“All in all Don’t Go to the Reunion is a pretty decent slasher flick. Sure, it has its faults, but being that it was an homage to old slashers and the team’s first attempt at a feature length flick I was impressed. Especially with the ending.” Horror Society
“Once this movie makes the transformation to slasher, it’s just ok (but nothing to write home about). The characters react oddly to the situation at hand. Personally, if I am running from a killer, I’m not going to be coming onto my high school crush. The kills (although familiar) are handled in a “new” fashion so I did appreciate that.” Scare Tissue
“There’s a solid reference to a Friday the 13th kill (it’s a fan favorite to be sure). They bloodletting is the focus of the action, and it’s entertaining. Yes, it’s low budget, but some of the best slasher fare are low budget. Yes these kills each pay respect to a source work, but that’s to be expected and enjoyable.” The Liberal Dead
“The amount of “homage” in this film gets a little bit tiresome. We get it, you really, REALLY like slasher movies. The “twist” at the end was a tiny-bit predictable, but it was satisfying no-less. The reveal was done very nicely, and it’s the strongest part of the entire story. Slasher Studios has clearly done their homework…” BJ Colangelo, Icons of Fright
“I love the idea of using Slaughter High as inspiration and then revisiting standout moments from the genre’s history, but I wanted a stronger final product. Low-budget cinema will always suffer from audio problems and stilted performances, but there is the advantage of having total creative control over the script and direction. While not completely successful here, Goltz and Sommerfield show terrific promise…” Horror Talk
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