‘Size does matter’
Nanosharks – aka Nano Sharks – is a 2017 American science fiction horror film written, produced and directed by Jon Bonnell (Match.Dead; Star Quest: The Odyssey). The Infinite Spectrum Productions movie stars Kathleen Benner, Josh Schultz and Sean Dillingham.
It’s Spring Break at Dread Gorge Lake and nanobots have been let loose amongst on the unsuspecting young revellers. It’s up to a group of unlikely heroes to devise a plan and destroy the nanosharks…
The film is currently in production.
Main cast:
Kathleen Benner (Return to Yucca Flats: Desert Man-Beast; Match.Dead; The Devil’s Playhouse), Josh Schultz, Sean Dillingham, Calion Maston, Christina Colandrea, David Staley, Shelby Howell, Jai Raja, Sarah E. Davis, Claudia Channing, Nikki Darling, Randy Oppenheimer, Mikel Darger.