‘I thought we were friends’
The Legend of Wasco – aka Clownface – is a 2015 American horror film co-directed by Shane Beasley and Leya Taylor from a screenplay by Nathan Erdel. The Forbidden Films production stars Jason Crowe, Dan Nye and Jessica Schroeder.
A clown performer and his future brother in-law create a web sensation by dressing up as the infamous Wasco clown and posting pictures on social media, creating a viral hit overnight.
Unfortunately, the duo unwittingly resurrect the real Wasco and his henchmen. As murders rock the community, the friends band together to send the evil clowns back to the grave…
“If you can dig cheap 80s slasher fare, The Legend of Wasco is probably going to feel like a dream journey of unforgiving nostalgia. The budget is miniscule, some of the performers are rough around the edges, there are a few priceless t-shirts on display and just about every cliché in the book is thoroughly explored. But, there’s still something magnetic about the film,.” Matt Molgaard, Addicted to Horror Movies
“As a satire on the horror genre it might be considered fairly clever. It takes three people with real “adult” problems and places them in a situation that is ridiculous and laughable. The only people that will truly be chilled by this story though, will be those audience members that cannot handle clowns. It really is a shame that the technical problems make this movie worse than it actually is.” Ryan Mudd, HorrorNews.net
“The sound is hollow and empty, the acting, aside from Jessica Schroeder, maintains a level that is sure to disappoint the average person snagging this film at their local Walmart kiosk. Even the flow of the film seems to stagger as it bounces from meaningless kills to the overlong attempts at building emotional development between the three main leads.” David J. Sharp, Beneath the Underground
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