Creepy Clowns: The Lunatic’ler is a 2016 American horror film directed by Pete Jacelone from a story and screenplay by Trevor Wright. It stars Heather Drew, Edward X. Young and Daylan Ludemann.
Still reeling from a traumatic childhood experience with an alcoholic mother and her deranged carnival boyfriend, a mild-mannered milquetoast finds himself at the mercy of a monstrous alter ego: a sadistic killer clown with a tickling fetish…
“Don’t expect to have everything laid out in the open – this is a film that leaves a lot to interpretation. Never once does the cast refer to the killer as a clown. Does he really change into a clown or is this just a persona created by his fractured mind? […] a fun, darkly humorous and f*cked up movie.” Pop Horror
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Main cast:
Heather Drew, Edward X. Young, Daylan Ludemann, Lisa Deane, Chase Bolnick, Pete Jacelone, Benjamin Akaezuwa, Jesse Amici, Christy Jones, John Link, D. Gedaliah Lozon, Matt Radzai, Jane Shatz, Sarah Anne Shatz, David Teitel.
The shooting title was The Lunatic’ler