Safe Inside is a 2017 horror film written and directed by Jason Paul Collum. It stars Christopher D. Harder, Brinke Stevens and Judith O’Dea.
JJ (Chris Harder) is a young man spending his first night alone in the home of his deceased mother (Judith O’Dea).
When odd occurrences begin, he thinks they may be figments of his imagination, or the lasting effects of a recent nervous breakdown. However, as the occurrences intensify, it’s up to his best friend (Brinke Stevens) to help determine if he’s cracking mentally or if some “thing” indeed is inside with them…
Main cast:
Christopher D. Harder, Brinke Stevens (Stirring; Death House; Teenage Exorcist; et al) Judith O’Dea (Night of the Living Dead: Genesis; Abandoned Dead; Night of the Living Dead), Darcey Vanderhoef, Tina Ona Paukstelis, Karen Dilloo, Keith McLeod, Jerod Howard, Frank Anderson, Josh Greytak, Kyle McLeod, Doug Despin, Brian Vanderhoef, Sy Stevens, Alicia Smith.
Filming locations:
Racine, Wisconsin, USA