Victor Crowley is a 2017 American horror film written and directed by Adam Green (Digging Up the Marrow; Frozen). The film is a reboot of the Hatchet franchise and again stars Kane Hodder as the titular swamp-dwelling, supernatural serial killer, alongside Parry Shen, Laura Ortiz, Dave Sheridan and Brian Quinn.
Green’s production company ArieScope Pictures partnered with Dark Sky Films to film the movie secretly.
Ben (Joel Moore) and Marcus (Deon Richmond) are college students in New Orleans, enjoying Mardi Gras, when they decide to go on a boat tour of an allegedly cursed bayou.
Meeting up with several other tourists, including quietly beautiful Marybeth (Tamara Feldman), they are entertained by their guide Shawn (Parry Shen), who regales them with tales of a ghostly serial killer who wanders the swamp. They laugh off the stories — until someone, or something, starts picking off members of the group…
Main cast:
Kane Hodder, Parry Shen, Laura Ortiz (The Hills Have Eyes), Dave Sheridan (Scary Movie), Brian Quinn, Tamara Feldman, Tiffany Shepis, Felissa Rose, Blake Woodruff, Chase Williamson, Jonah Ray, Kelly Vrooman, Katie Booth, Kali Cook, Krystal Joy Brown, Eileen Abarrca.
To keep the reboot secret the film was called “Arwen’s Fancy Dinner” during the writing and pre-production process. The fake title was altered to “Arwen’s Revenge” during principal photography simply because a shorter title was easier to fit on the camera slate. Arwen is the name of writer/director Adam Green’s dog.