Phobia is a 2017 British/Italian horror anthology film produced by Tony Newton (Grindsploitation: The Movie; Virus of the Dead) for Vestra Pictures and Domiziano Cristopharo (Red Krokodil; Sacrifice) for Enchanted Architect.
The film delves into the horrors of an individual phobia via each segment. The featured directors and phobias are:
Michael J. Epstein (USA) – Somniphobia: Fear of sleep
Domiziano Cristopharo (Italy) – Mageirocophobia: Fear of cooking
Poison Rouge (Italy) – Misophobia: Fear of bacteria
Chris Milewski (USA) – Pharmacophobia: Fear of taking medicine
Sam Mason Bell (UK) – Oneirophobia: Fear of dreams
Alessandro Giordani (Italy) – Astrophobia: Fear of stars or celestial space
Jason Impey (UK) – Achluophobia: Fear of darkness
Alessandro Redaelli (Italy) – Parthenophobia: Fear of virgins or young girls
Sunny King (Nigeria) – Nychtohobia: Fear of night
Rob Ulitski (UK) – Gerascophobia – Fear of growing old
Lorenzo Zanonin and Alessandro Sisti (Italy) – Caetophobia: Fear of hairs
Davide Pesca (Italy) – Hemophobia: Fear of blood
Jackson Batchelor (UK) – Politicophobia: Fear of Politics
Dustin Ferguson (USA) – Mazeophobia: Fear of being lost
Source: Screen Anarchy