Mississippi River Sharks is a 2017 American action horror film directed by Misty Talley (Ozark Sharks; Zombie Shark aka Shark Island; editor of Ghost Shark and Arachnoquake) from a screenplay by Marcy Holland (Ozark Sharks). It stars Jason London, Jeremy London and Cassie Steele.
Sharks attack a fish rodeo on the Mississippi River, and it is up to a group of locals, along with a visiting actor from a successful franchise of shark movies, to fend off the killer fish…
The film debuted on the Syfy channel on July 31, 2017 as part of their Sharknado Week.
Main cast:
Jason London (Nightworld; Dam Sharks; Zombie Shark; et al), Jeremy London (7 Faces of Jack the Ripper; The Devil’s Dozen; Basilisk: The Serpent King), Cassie Steele (Zombie Shark; The Dorm; My Babysitter’s a Vampire), Ashton Leigh, Dean J. West, Marco St. John, Miles Doleac, Terence Rosemore, Danny Cosmo, Michelle West, Nathan O’Neil Smith, Jeff Pearson, Catherine Quinn, Creek Wilson, Kevin J. McGrath.
Filming locations:
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Ocean Springs, Mississippi, USA