Dementia 13 is a 2017 American horror film directed by Richard LeMay (The Dark Rite) from a screenplay by producer Dan DeFilippo (Chilling Visions: 5 States of Fear) and Justin Smith (Ominous; The Monkey’s Paw), based on Francis Ford Coppola’s 1963 film of the same name. It stars Julia Campanelli, Channing Pickett and Steve Polites.
A vengeful ghost, a mysterious killer and a family brimming with secrets converge in one night of terror….
Chiller Films is releasing Dementia 13 in theaters on October 6, 2017 and on VOD and Digital HD on October 10, 2017.
Main cast:
Julia Campanelli, Channing Pickett, Steve Polites, Marianne Noscheze (Horror Time), Ben van Berkum, Ana Isabelle, Anthony Salvador Lewis, Donal Brophy, Leif Steinert, Roland Sands, Christian Ryan (Celebrity Ghost Stories), Jay William Thomas, Leila Grace, Pat Malone.