Fang is a 2018 American werewolf horror film written and directed by Adam R. Steigert (A Grim Becoming; Ombis: Alien Invasion; Gore). It stars Melantha Blackthorne, Gregory Blair and Darren Barcomb.
After participating in a robbery turned murder, Chloe (Melodie Roehrig) and Joe (Theo Maefs) decided to hide out at a distant relative’s house only to find themselves stalked and hunted by creatures and forces unknown…
Main cast:
Melantha Blackthorne (Dracula’s War; Krampus: The Devil Returns; Bloody Slumber Party; et al), Gregory Blair (Death House; Garden Party Massacre; Ooga Booga), Darren Barcomb (Crepitus; Krampus: The Devil Returns; Camp Killer) Jason John Beebe, Jennie Russo, Johnny Stevenson, Melodie Roehrig, Michael Zsiros, Patrick Mallette, Scott Emerling, Christopher Burns Jr., Theo Maefs, Norman Queeno, Michael O’Hear, Kristin Spencer.