Empire of the Sharks is a 2017 American science fiction action horror film written and directed by Mark Atkins (Planet of the Sharks; Sand Sharks; Evil Eyes; et al). John Savage, Jack Amstrong and Ashley de Lange star.
In the future, most of Earth is covered by water. The only land left is controlled by a lone warlord and his army of ever-vigilant, hyper-intelligent sharks. The humans are forced to pay tribute to the warlord, and the unlucky ones are caged up and kept as food for the shark army.
However, when two friends risk their lives to rescue a trapped prisoner, those imprisoned decide to rise against their captor and his legion of bloodthirsty sharks…
The film will premiere on the Syfy channel on August 5, 2017, as part of their Sharknado Week with a VOD and DVD release to follow on September 5, 2017.
Main cast:
John Savage (Dead South; Tales of Halloween; Demon Legacy; et al), Jack Amstrong, Ashley de Lange, Jonathan Pienaar, Thandi Sebe, Camilla Waldman, Leandie du Randt, Tapiwa Musvosvi, Tauriq Jenkins, Joe Vaz, Tshamano Sebe, Sandi Schultz, Royston Stoffels, Mélodie Abad, Philip Tan.
Filming locations:
South Africa