Trailer Park Shark is a 2017 American action horror film written and directed by Griff Furst (Atomic Shark; Swamp Shark; Starve; Ghost Shark; et al). Tara Reid, Thomas Ian Nicholas and Dennis Haskins star.
A tropical storm floods Soggy Meadows trailer park and forces a hungry shark upriver…
The film will debut on the Syfy channel on August 2, 2017, as part of their Sharknado Week.
Main cast:
Tara Reid (Party Bus to Hell; Sharknado films; Charlie’s Farm), Thomas Ian Nicholas (Living Among Us; Halloween: Resurrection), Dennis Haskins (Revamped; Dismembered), Carrie Lazar, David Kallaway, Ritchie Montgomery, Rob Mello, Clint James, Ali Eagle, Lani Sarem, Isaiah LaBorde, Josh Whites, Elise Berggreen, Lulu Jovovich, Sophie Howell.