Night Feeder is a 1988 American horror film directed by Jim Whiteaker from a screenplay by Linnea Due and Shelley Singer.
Fear chokes the free-wheeling underbelly of San Francisco’s punk scene as a killer stalks the night to feed an unspeakable appetite. Community suspicion focuses on Disease, a new wave band (played by real-life band The Nuns) that is tainted by groupie deaths allegedly induced by the drug DZS, and on “The Creeper” a misshapen outcast from the bowels of the city.
A writer probes the gruesome murders and the story hits close to home, as the web of death devours neighbours, friends, and lovers…
The shot-on-video production was only apparently available anywhere on a Polish Delta Video Distribution VHS release until Bleeding Skull! Video released it on DVD in 2017.
“For all of the movie’s ridiculous wrongs, its most glaring misstep among VHS-shot oddities is most unexpected: having ambition. Yes, freshman (and still that today) feature director Jim Whiteaker remains constrained by underfunding, yet proceeds with Linnea Due and Shelley Singer’s whodunit-procedural script as if it were slated for airing on PBS’ Mystery!“ Rod Lott, Flick Attack
” …not tongue-in-cheek or well-made enough to be actually witty or stylish. It’s just mildly snarky in serving up turgid doses of blood and breasts (if you don’t think those things can be dull in themselves, then this movie will be a revelation for you), with lots of talky boredom between.” Ofumalow, IMDb
IMDb | Image credits: Just screenshots