Puppet Killer is a 2017 Canadian horror film produced and directed by Lisa Ovies (producer of 7 Demons TV series) from a screenplay co-written with Kevin Mosley. Richard Harmon, Aleks Paunovic and Lisa Durupt star.
While celebrating Christmas at a cabin in the woods, a group of high school students are stalked by a psychotic killer obsessed with horror movie icons…
Main cast:
Richard Harmon (Slumber; The Hollow; Grave Encounters 2; et al), Aleks Paunovic (War for the Planet of the Apes; Van Helsing; iZombie; Dead Rising: Watchtower), Lisa Durupt, Johannah Newmarch (The Hollow Child; Dead of Night; Tales from the Darkside [2015]), Beverley Elliott, Geoff Gustafson, Sage Brocklebank.