‘Face your demons’
Charismata is a British psychological horror thriller film written, produced and directed by Andy Collier and Toor Mian. Sarah Beck Mather, Jamie Satterthwaite and Andonis Anthony star.
Newbie detective Rebecca Faraway is struggling to find acceptance in a police department defined by a culture of bullying and intolerance; things go from bad to worse when the chief suspect in a series of brutal ritualistic murders takes a personal interest in her.
A game of cat and mouse ensues causing Rebecca’s grasp on reality to spiral out of control, leading to a terrifying climax where she needs to fight for her sanity, her life and maybe even her soul…
The producers have described the film as a “tense, fast moving police thriller reminiscent of Fincher’s Se7en with a nightmarish, paranoia-infused psychological horror story which tips its hat to Polanski’s classic Apartment Trilogy: Repulsion, Rosemary’s Baby and The Tenant.”
“With her world crumbling, Faraway’s name is never more appropriate. As the story whirls to its conclusion it’s never clear how far it will push itself and there were some genuine surprises making it a satisfying journey. It leaves a number of questions behind, but that may be part of Collier and Mian’s master plan. They have put together an entertaining low budgeter here, one which I really enjoyed.” Tony Sands, UK Horror Scene
” …Charismata owes much to several key genre-defining films of the past twenty or so years, yet manages to cleanly separate itself enough by mixing a few specific themes together with a decidedly well-polished hand. What begins as a textbook crime-scene investigation story finds stronger footing in the psychological, when the second half flirts with disturbing imagery and unnerving audio.” David Duprey, That Moment In
“It doesn’t all hang together. A sub-plot involving Faraway’s father feels tacked on and overly soapy for such knowing material and at 100 minutes running time, there’s a Roger Corman-style 85-minute version trying to punch its way through some rather static police station scenes and witness interviews. But Beck Mather is superb and the co-directors’ deep affection for the genre results in a potent cocktail of horror and black comedy that cuts a bloody dash.” Michael Coldwell, Starburst magazine
“The plot line kept me hooked throughout, and the ritualistic crime scenes were a bonus. With scatterings of dark humour, and frequent bouts of distorted reality depicting the poor state of Faraway’s mental health, it truly is difficult to find fault with Charismata. I won’t give away any spoilers but I also don’t think it could have had a better ending!” The London Horror Society
” …a tried and tested narrative feels far more dramatic than in rollercoaster horrors like Drag Me To Hell, with the emphasis firmly on the character vs the possession. It all looks amazing too, with lots of twisted angles and tasteful trickery underlying our protagonist’s increasingly fragile mental state. The makers aren’t afraid to show things either – with none of that low budget cliché of cops looking at a body we don’t get to.” David S. Smith, Horror Cult Films
“Now, it’s not perfect. In places, the dialogue feels clunky. “You’re in for a treat.” “Bloody?” “Like a menstruating virgin at a gang-bang.” Also, in one or two areas (not many, but enough), the visual effects are hamstrung somewhat by budgetary limitations. But these are minor distractions really which shouldn’t detract from what is, overall, a wonderfully atmospheric and gruesome horror/thriller. Recommended.” Battle Royale with Cheese
Main cast:
Sarah Beck Mather, Jamie Satterthwaite, Andonis Anthony, Johnny Vivash, Ross Mullan, David J. Peel, Ethan Chapples, Nicole O’Neill, Sean Knopp, Ryan Spong, Dean Roberts.
Filming locations:
London, England, UK
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