Fantasma is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by Brett Mullen (Beneath the Old Dark House; Bombshell Bloodbath) from a screenplay co-written with producer Matt Cloude (The Curse of Krampus; Night of the Living Dead: Genesis; 2 Die For; et al). Caroline Williams, Kendra Carelli and Debbie Rochon star.
When a beautiful ballerina dancer, Adriana Mena (Kendra Carelli), lands the lead role in the upcoming performance of ‘The Nutcracker’, she’s forced to face her demons as jealousy and tension begin to provoke the supernatural…
Main cast:
Caroline Williams, Kendra Carelli, Debbie Rochon, Katie Carpenter, Brett Wagner, David Schifter, Susanne Marie Danger, Jae Hitch, Patrick G. Keenan, Tom Gore, Rob Springer, Jess Barbour, Tina Reynolds, Tatiana Russell, Shane Terry.
Filming locations:
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
The film’s working title was The Malevolent.