Penny Dreadful is a 2014 psychosexual horror TV series created for Showtime by John Logan and executive produced by Logan and Sam Mendes (collaborators on Skyfall). The series will weave together the origins of literary horror characters, such as Victor Frankenstein, Frankenstein’s monster, Dorian Gray, and Count Dracula, as they grapple with their monstrous alienation in Victorian London.
Showtime president David Nevins stated that the tone of the ensemble series will be “very realistic and very grounded, not Bela Lugosi. All exist in human form in turn-of-century London.”
The series takes it name from the lurid penny dreadful publications that were avidly read by 19th century British adolescents.
- Josh Hartnett as Ethan Chandler, a charming, brash, daring man of action who is unafraid of violence and more complicated than he likes to admit.
- Eva Green as Vanessa Ives, an enigmatic, composed heroine who proves herself a force to be reckoned with.
- Billie Piper as Brona Croft, an Irish immigrant seeking to escape her dark past.
- Rory Kinnear
- Timothy Dalton as Sir Malcolm, a hardened African explorer on a deeply personal quest.
- Reeve Carney as Dorian Gray, a confident, mesmerizing, yet somewhat isolated man.
- Harry Treadaway as Victor Frankenstein
- Helen McCrory as Madame Kali, a spiritualist.
- Simon Russell Beale as Ferdinand Lyle, an eccentric Egyptologist.
- Danny Sapani as Sembene, a longtime ally of Sir Malcolm.
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