Fanged Up is a 2017 British comedy horror film directed by Christian James (Stalled; Freak Out) from a screenplay written by Nick Nevern, Daniel O’Reilly and Dan Palmer. It stars Daniel O’Reilly, Lauren Socha and Steven Berkoff.
A wrongfully arrested lovable rogue (Daniel O’Reilly) is thrown into a high-security prison for the weekend when his blood group is revealed to be very rare.
Once incarcerated in the slammer, it seems there’s no way out alive as the warden is a top-level bloodsucker, the guards are his pet zombies and the inmates are their unwilling victims…
Fanged Up will have its world premiere in London at the Horror Channel FrightFest on 25 August 2017.
Main cast:
Daniel O’Reilly, Lauren Socha, Steven Berkoff, Lucy Pinder, Terry Stone, Vas Blackwood, Stephen Marcus, Ian Reddington, Roland Manookian, Ewen MacIntosh, Stu Bennett, Joe Egan, Amber Doig-Thorne, Danielle Harold, Darren Luckin, Adam Oakley, Arron Crascall, Huw Samuel, Chris R. Wright.