Verónica is a 2017 Mexican psychological thriller directed by Carlos Algara and Alejandro Martinez-Beltran from a screenplay by Carlos Algara and Tomas Nepomuceno. It stars Olga Segura, Sofía Garza and Arcelia Ramírez.
A reclusive female psychologist who has stopped practicing medicine, decides against her better judgment to take the case of disturbed Verónica de la Serna, a young woman whose previous therapist has mysteriously disappeared.
As a condition of their cure agreement, the intrigued psychologist requires Verónica to stay with her in her remote country house for the duration of the treatment. However, Verónica proves to be a stubborn patient trying to outsmart her doctor every chance she gets…
The film has been shown at the Guadalajara and Fantaspoa festivals and will be screened in London at the Horror Channel FrightFest on 25 August 2017.
Choice dialogue:
Verónica de la Serna: “We all hide things, even from ourselves.”
Verónica de la Serna: “Just because you close your eyes it doesn’t mean the world ceases to exist.”
Filming locations:
Arteaga, Coahuila, Mexico
Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
Running time and aspect ratio:
81 minutes | 2.35: 1
The original title was Expiación [“Atonement”]