Sequence Break is a 2016 American romantic science fiction horror film written and directed by Graham Skipper (director of Space Clown; actor in The Mind’s Eye; Almost Human; et al). It stars Chase Williamson, Audrey Wasilewski and Fabianne Therese.
A loner video arcade technician experiences bizarre bio mechanical mutations and Cronenbergian hallucinations when a mysterious new arcade game appears in his shop. Reality itself threatens to fracture as he works to solve its mystery and the new chaos that has entered his life…
Sequence Break is currently playing at festivals such as Popcorn Frights Film Festival in Miami, prior to release details being announced.
Main cast:
Chase Williamson (Fetish Factory; SiREN; John Dies at the End; et al), Audrey Wasilewski (Bunnicula; Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated), Fabianne Therese (Southbound; Starry Eyes; John Dies at the ), Lyle Kanouse, John Dinan.
Running time:
80 minutes